Monday, February 14, 2011

She Doesn't Need Flowers - she has ME!

Happy Valentine's Day SexyFriends!  The funniest thing I heard today came from a happily married man (40 years!) if he bought his wife flowers.  He replied simply, "She doesn't need flowers, she has me."  He must be doing something right after 40 years!

It's easy to lose the meaning of today when stores are full of the same candy bags that just switched from red and green to pink and red.  Or how about the massive tents in front of the grocery store and teddy bear stands on the side of the road?  Roses every where, only $50 more than they were last week and will be again in a week.  If that isn't enough there is always a triple cost dinner somewhere!  The shelves at Walgreen's had less stuff than normal but still housed boxes of Russell Stover, cheap trinkets and lots of pink and red bags of sugar, er candy.

This can be a tough holiday!  For example,  the teenage girl in Walgreen's couldn't decided what to get her boyfriend and just kept saying "I don't know what in the F%$*K to get him...".  Never mind the grandma and 5 year old behind her.  I'm sure her boyfriend wasn't as worried about what to get her.  She left with a $5 box of chocolate and a teddy bear.  I'm thinking he's not going to enjoy it as much as she would!

I think it starts in grade school.  Remember worrying about what we will get and from WHO?  Or stressing over what to get others for the Valentin's party.  Do you remember filling out the groovy box of Scooby Doo Valentines and picking the best ones for the friends you like BEST?  Remember hoping you'd get one from that special person and being crushed when it wasn't a "good" one!?  Then we grow up as women hoping, yearning for that "good" Valentine.  Boys grow up wondering how to pick that "good" Valentine.   It's really crazy if you think about it.

On the other hand, when a man loves a woman he knows how to swoon her.  I watched 4 huge bouquets of roses get delivered at work today!  One man hand delivered his red roses and a HUGE thing of balloons!  He kissed her and swaddled her outside showing all his love!  Now isn't that the spirit?

It's a chipper day for people in general and pretty too!  You can't miss all the women who wear pretty red clothes, tacky dangling earrings or red heels.  I opted for hot pink satin and sexy pumps myself!  I bought my own flowers didn't send anyone cards.  I did send a few texts and now instead of being in grade school waiting for the good cards, we're adults waiting for a "good" text!  Luckily I got one that made my day!  I had a "date" with 10 women at a social meet up that was very fun and filled my cup!

I did get a message from my best friend who called to tell me he loves me so I wouldn't want to hear it from the few random men in my life!  What are friends for!  I must admit, he isn't far off and an I love you, hug or kiss goes very far on a day like this.  As a woman I will always appreciate gorgeous flowers, rich chocolate or going to dinner on a man's arm!  But never as much as knowing I'm special or cared for in the eyes of others, however you show it!

It's a day to love yourself so you can love everyone else!  Celebrate YOU right now and don't wait another minute to tell some one you love them! 

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